The fallacy of perfect proof
Published in WARC There’s a widespread misconception about what’s needed to make marketing effectiveness work, and work well. Let’s call...
How does advertising work?
How does advertising work? Such a fascinating question… You can start to unpack it in different ways, and the unpacking is never really...
The Coalitions Against Napoleon (book review)
Review of The Coalitions Against Napoleon, published in Military History Matters, issue 134 The subject of The Coalitions Against...
Napoleon: The Decline and Fall of an Empire, 1811-1821 (book review)
Review of Napoleon: The Decline and Fall of an Empire, published in Military History Matters, issue 132 Napoleon: The Decline and Fall of...
Unexhausted Time (book review)
Review of Unexhausted Time, by Emily Berry, published in Review 31 Emily Berry’s third book of poetry, Unexhausted Time, is a sharp,...
Deceit (book review)
Review of Deceit, by Yuri Felsen, translated by Bryan Karetnyk, published in Review 31 Deceit is a ruminative and slow-burning novel that...
The Story of Russia (book review)
Review of The Story of Russia, by Orlando Figes, published in Military History Matters The Story of Russia is a thorough work of...
Quatre façons de se reconnaître dans le monde
Imaginons qu’il y ait plusieurs façons de se comporter, de se sentir soi-même dans le monde. Bien évidemment, on pourrait imaginer que...
Towards a philosophy of the act
The move away from thinking about being, to perceiving and understanding the act. To be is to be less identifiable, less visible (more in...
On potentiality: A comparative view of advertising effectiveness and literary theory
What is the value of a theory? Who decides such a value? Can it be commonly accepted, commonly held, well understood? What does it...
On the democratic nature of advanced research
Is advanced research — research done for a living or full-time but unpaid, for a doctorate say — essentially untroubled? Is it a clear...
Beyond predictability: Towards a diversity of marketing effectiveness theory
Published at WARC There are three main audiences, I think, for marketing effectiveness theory: the creative strategist, the creative...
Codes & changeability: Understanding the modern consumer
The decline & fall of effective marketing? Reading The effectiveness code (2020) and The marketer's toolkit 2021: Navigate through...