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Selected poems

Poetry: Text


I have something to say,

I like writing to say it.



I write poetry, just so, 

to dream, I would say.

I think so?

I dream to see what to say,

and write it down.

… right?

I’d rather have the sun again,


E. saying ‘there’s no wind at all, do you hear?’

billowed sailboats, red, purple, dark,

a lighthouse lit in broad daylight,


Opened newspapers, magazines,


phones with low batteries,

the light in her hair,

on my shoulders, 

words unsaid, because 

what are they

when this is how it is,

in the sleeping world

of Noirmoutier?

I write to dream,

with the light in these eyes,

even so.

D'un même regard saisissant

le grain de sable de la dune...

D'un même regard embrassant

le grain de sable de la dune...

I dream it, even so.

Poetry: Text

A lion

I dreamt of a lion, pale, proud and strong,

Queen, king - heart beating double...

As it rushed past me - rose, fell - was I wrong

To shudder, love it, sing, shield its trouble?

It fell, again. Yet eyes and breath denoted fear,

In me, in it - in them... but it did remain

In that other way. At peace, rested, ready to hear

This voice, my breath. Playful, and new again.

Poetry: Text

Somewhere or other

Somewhere or other the track is lost,

The house unseen, the tree left still.

Quiet in the woods, silent in the frost,

My sun is in the west, a heart is left to fill.

Somewhere or other, maybe far or near,

The wind might come, the mist will burn.

Moon or stars will rise and without fear

I'll try some way a wasted heart to turn.

Somewhere or other the line is found

By a soft voice, singing it true.

I leave field and jump hedge by sound

Of foolish heart, beating safe and new.

Poetry: Text

Shifting skies

The more I see of streets -

of solid paving stones, rust-coloured walkways,

iron and glass that would cut if it could

cut -

the more I do

and have done to me,

within and beyond screens, in eyes

and ears that I loved when

they weren't mine



the more I go to streams,

to the stream,

the river,

picking pebbles in the ground,

cold and dark,


with hand or toe of


thinking the water glass but for

the mud,

and slime on the stones,

those pebbles glistening unwanted

in my hands,

twisting and untwisting in the riverbed

to a darker unseen light,

like a calathea moving in that room

I lived in,

où je sentirai ses bras si beaux ...


the less the doing

and the undoing strikes home,

is heard even - oh but for a life of doing!

Simply it feels less now,

matters even less now

than the unseen green,

shifting in the icy water, the dreamy water

- hazy all -

less than the unsettled, unreal and shifting

sky on fire.

Poetry: Text

New Year scenario

Home for December.
Could I go down in the cold
to meet another guest, quite in the dark,
feet bare, backs lit, against glass and air?
The new year belongs to the brave I suppose,
and supposing,
fall asleep.
Yves, Emily, Sarah, father, Christabel and I
eat hot cakes for breakfast.
Y and E
boast of a hot holiday.
S mocks them mercilessly
with mere twitches of the eye.
Father and C propose a reunion at 4:
mulled wine and mince pies when the day’s run out.
That’d be splendid, to be sure. Splendid.
Now, how to keep things as they were,
hope-filled, at the next step, in empty fields?

Poetry: Text

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